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Welcome to Villa Proistakis
Our guests are our advertisement

Welcome to Villa Proistakis, in Achlia, Ierapetra. Our excellent reviews and magnificent location make it the ideal destination for your holidays and for your rest. Our fully trained staff welcomes you and is at your service to make your stay unique!
In front of the sea
The endless blue of the sky and the sea

From your balcony, facing the sea. A step from the room you will find yourself on a beautiful sandy beach in front of Villa Proistakis. The sea is shallow and crystal clear.
Spacious apartments
With sea view

Our refurbished rooms in the Villa Proistakis garden are ideal for a comfortable seafront luxury. Ideally set in the majestic Cretan landscape overlooking the endless blue. Each room of Villa Proistakis is equipped with all the necessary comforts that modern visitors need. We are sure to satisfy your every need and desire
Modern interior decoration
For a truly relaxing stay

The modern decoration of Villa Proistakis combined with the fragrances from the garden and the iodine of the sea are the ideal backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation. Equipped with all the comforts and modern facilities for a truly relaxing stay, all rooms offer complete relaxation in their tastefully decorated interior.
Green garden
And playground

The unique combination of green and blue will enchant you once you find yourself in the beautiful rooms of Villa Proistakis. Villa Proistakis's green and well-kept garden provides breaths of coolness and rejuvenation. Shady trees, cool lawns, colorful, fragrant flowers, in a peaceful, natural environment, where the cicadas celebrate the magic of the Greek summer. A picture worth taking with you at the end of your holiday. Furthermore the outdoor playground makes all our little visitors spend unforgettable and enjoyable time as they can enjoy plenty of play with safety.
In front of a lovely private beach
As private ... with caves

Right in front of Villa Proistakis, there is a unique sandy beach with emerald waters. Feel the Cretan sea breeze, lie on the beach beside the caves and enjoy the sunbathing. In this sheltered beach you will have the feeling of privacy and contact with nature.